• What’s going on at Welding Alloys

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MillCarb – The new future of grinding components

Welding Alloys reaffirms its global leader position in wear resistant products and services by the launch of MillCarb, a repairable welded ceramic composite alloy providing an optimised engineered wear protection solution for grinding components.

MillCarb is a service that combines years of expertise with state of the art materials performing modelling tools. Jointly developed by Welding Alloys and global leaders in welding technologies, its microstructure has been designed by engineering fundamental principles that combine the wear resistant properties of advanced and complex ceramics with graded grain sizes and the shock absorbing properties of a metallic matrix, creating the ultimate ceramic metal matrix composite.

All these advantages have been incorporated into a weldable solution capable of multiplying the life of components by offering a repairable alternative.

MillCarb is being successfully implemented and monitored with reputable industrial partners. New data continuously gathered proves its performing advantage over other solutions currently available in the market.

Additional tailored solutions are currently being developed. For more information talk to the experts. Talk to Welding Alloys.

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