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New development for portable machines: wireless control system

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial technology, innovation is a constant driving force. The latest advancement in our portable machine range comes in the form of a wireless control pendant and a more compact hardware solution currently in development. This innovation not only brings convenience to operators but also elevates safety, flexibility, and productivity in the welding process.

Traditionally, welding machine controls required operators to be tethered to the machines, limiting their mobility and flexibility. With the wireless pendant development, operators will have the ability to move freely around the work area, adjusting settings and monitoring the welding process without being confined to a specific spot. This will ensure enhanced operator comfort but also contribute to more efficient welding operations.

Safety is paramount in any industrial setting, and welding is no exception. The new development will allow operators to maintain a safe distance from potentially hazardous welding environments. By reducing the need for operators to be in close proximity to the machines, the wireless control pendant will have a positive impact on overall workplace safety.

Not only is safety a key feature, but so is enhanced flexibility. Being able to operate welding machines remotely offers a great amount of flexibility in welding tasks. Whether it’s adjusting parameters, or fine-tuning settings, the wireless pendant offers operators the freedom to make real-time changes from a distance.

And last, but not least, the new compact control system will offer the ability to operate up to three machines remotely with a single wireless pendant. Operators will be able to seamlessly switch between different welding stations without the need for constant physical presence. This reduces downtime and boosts overall productivity. Additionally, the wireless control pendant’s intuitive interface will enable operators to easily navigate through settings, optimising time spent on each job.

A prototype of the new development will be on show at the Schweissen und Schneiden exhibition from 11 -15 September. If you’re interested to know more, visit the Welding Alloys stand: Hall 5 Stand 5D13.

Or you can contact a machines expert to find out more about this latest development.

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