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The latest from Dalforsan

The orders keep rolling in for us here at Dalforsan. This year has been great for our order book, and now 2020 is looking like it will be an even stronger year.

Firms are starting to see the value in TCO (total cost of ownership) and opting to invest in quality equipment, rather than purchasing the cheapest option. Dalforsan’s biggest customer for 2019, a steel plant in Europe, is also starting to follow this trend of considering TCO during the purchasing process. This is great news for Dalforsan, as we deliver premium quality products.

Regarding our inter project, we have invested in a Puma 800 machine that is up and running full time, thanks to its extended capacity, we have managed to get into some new markets that we could not reach previously. Dalforsan is expanding its facilities with a section 4 to be able to meet the new demands, because production is at maximum capacity currently.
During recent years, Dalforsan has seen a trend that end customers are looking for complete roll lines, due to a focus on core business. This places higher demand on the space in the workshop.
We need new warehouses to store our finished products, and products in progress. We are also building a new assembly line, due to the demand for complete roll lines, which has increased significantly during 2019.

For 2020, Dalforsan plan to develop the business in the US market, we are working closely with Welding Alloys USA and have cracked some new deals with customers there. With the new products that Welding Alloys have developed for the steel market, Dalforsan are really looking forward to ‘blue ocean’ opportunities with 4142 NX-S and 414 NX-S.

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