• Eliminate system blockages and keep material flowing

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Flanged Connections and Directional Pieces

Industrial Pipe Systems are used throughout industry, these can range from only a few metres, while others can be a few kilometres in length. Various forms of materials are transported and moved from one location to another such as dust, slurries, liquides, and solid particles. All of these result in wear of  Pipe Systems at varying degrees of severity. Inspection is time consuming and difficult to conduct, especially in systems where numerous bends, connectors, valves and other structures are found. Consequently, it is often only once a part of the system fails that it becomes evident that the damage was caused by wear.

Welding Alloys, with more than 50 years of hands-on experience across industries can design, optimise, manufacture and install pipe systems, directional pieces, connections, branches and related pipe components. We are able to ensure wear is taken care of effectively, providing customers with peace of mind through prolonged service life for piping and pipe components.

By conducting a detailed Wear Audit, we are able to gather data relevant to the root problem. This gets analysed and based on the results, solutions are provided which are tailored to address application-specific problems and yield optimised results. Our solutions also facilitate access for inspection, repair, cleaning and other operations where required.

By utilising our vast range of materials, we are able to recommend and install the most appropriate material, for any given area. By adding our Wear Sensor Technology to ceramic linings, we enable more accurate planning and maintenance by providing constant data and feedback to the operational team, regarding the current and remaining thickness of the lining.

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